Human Trafficking is all around they world. There are million of women, children and men Domestic Workers. Some of them are sent to countries and are told that they will get a good job. When they get to the country they get something totally unexpected. Some of these Domestic Workers don't deserve to live under these hard conditions. Everyone has the rights to Freedom and Peace. Everyone should be treated equally. These Domestic Workers cannot be treated like slaves.
This is something that everyone should care about and everyone should take action on. If everyone did take action on this than there is a very high chance of slavery stopping. There should be more people helping the community that is daily trying to prevent this from happening. This has a really big impact on the slaves, since this is happening to them. This will also impact the people that are doing this like the employee's. They are the ones that are abusing them and never paying them most of the time.
The main surprise that I have encountered in my research is that almost all of these slaves get abused everyday of their lives by their employee's. Some of these workers they don't even get paid. Some of them don't even get anything to eat. At least if they were to get paid they could go get some food for their selfs. These employee's make the workers work so hard, some of them even hurt their workers and make them work even more.
Learning about all these issues makes me want to cry sometimes because of the pain and torture the workers go through everyday. Thinking about all this makes me feel bad because of all the opportunities I have and the good life I have. If everyone gathers and makes a plan to stop this issue than definitely this will stop, but everyone has to really put their heart and soul to this.