Tuesday, January 25, 2011

City Connection Reflection!!! :)

I call Pulau Penang as my home because that was were I was born. Well what I am talking about is that the presentation that we did in class. We have to do on a place were we call home so I did Pulau Penang because that was the place were I call home. We have to answer four questions and these are the questions: 1.What you believe you did well on the project?, 2. What you would improve for future presentations/projects?, 3. What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others? and 4. What is your analysis of your performance? I am going to answer all these questions in the next four paragraphs.
What you believe you did well on the project?
Well, I wouldn't say that I did that well but I would say that I did ok and not fantastic. I say that because I didn't really have much information and when I need the population of Penang I could only find the population of Malaysia (Pulau Penang is in Malaysia). That is as much as I can say for that question.

What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
I should add more information so that the audience would thing that it is somehow interesting. Also when I am presenting I
should talk louder and I should not keep looking at my presentation and reading the words out of the presentation. Maybe I can write what I am going to say in a piece of paper so when I forget what I am going to say I can go and look back at the paper.

What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?
From my presentation I would say that I learnt more about Penang and there were lots of facts in my presentation that I didn't really know about un
til my grandfather explained to me all about it. From other peoples presentation I learnt more about their country or city were they call home and all those facts were pretty interesting as well. Some of their presentation were REALLY interesting.

What is your analysis of your performance?
I was not as loud but I was a bit loud and maybe in the future I could make my voice a bit more louder. I didn't really make much eye contact because I was keep reading out what it said on my presentation and so In the future I must also have more eye contact at the audience!

I answered all my four questions, now a question from me to you were is the place you call home?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My New Year's Resolution!:D

       Happy New Year to EVERYONE that is reading this blog! I am going to share you my New Years Resolution for 2011! I have 2 New Year Resolution for 2011 1.To be nicer to my brother! and 2.Get better grades in class!(like maybe few A+'s or A's). Those are my 2 resolution's that I am going to be sharing with you, so I hope you enjoy them!

       Let's start of with No.1 being nice to my brother! "I ask the same question to myself as well why is being nice to my brother a New Year's resolution?" "Usually I am really mean to him and he is also mean to me, but I am way nicer then him most of the time." I am like his little maid and I am not his like his little sister. What I mean by little maid is that whatever he asks me to do I HAVE to do for him! For example: getting water, going to the 3rd floor and getting his ipod or his books and etc. So if this time he asks me to do something then I am going to say, "Izzath, you have legs don't you so can you just go and get it yourself since you HAVE legs". Also when he hits me then I want to hit him back but I just can't because hen he will hit 10 times harder then how I hit him! So this time when he hits me I am just going to try ignoring or I am going to say "Izzath, can you please stop! That was my first resolution.

       Last but not least my 2nd resolution which is to get better grades. I am not a really smart kid and it is not easy for me to get good grades because I am not a smart kid! So this year i am going to try studying my hardest so that I could get awesome grades and I will get at least a bit more smarter! Here are few of the subjects that I really don't get good grades: Science and especially Math and the other subjects I get ok grades. My goal is to get excellent grades on Math and Science, but even though I like those 2 subjects I still get bad grades!

       Those are my 2 New Year's Resolution but, my 1st New Year's Resolution can sometimes not actually work out because when my brother is being really mean to me then I can't be nicer to him I also have to treat him how he treats me, then it will not be fair to me! I hope my 2nd New Year's Resolution work's out! I hope you enjoyed reading my 2 New Year's Resolution, what is your New Year's Resolution for this Year?

I should Not Get a grade like this!!!

I should be able to get a grade like this!!!