Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chaeli Mycroft

The Story of Chaeli Mycroft

Worldwide hundreds of thousands of people have some sort of disability. Statistics show that there are an estimated 650 million people with disabilities  (Disabled World). There is one kid that can be counted one this, and her name is Chaeli. She has, and still is, helping many kids in South Africa with disability problems. Chaeli has made many changes in these people’s lives. She is not only helping the people around her, but she is also helping herself. Yes, Chaeli herself has disability problems. She is bound to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. After saving money for her motorized wheelchair, Chaeli became more independent and decided to help other disabled children.

Chaeli was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, which makes her bound to her wheel chair for the rest of her life. Unfortunately it means that she is paralized for the rest of her life. “ Through which the function of her arms and legs are limited.” After getting the wheelchair, she knew that she can become more independent and that she didn’t have to depend on other people to help her with things. Being independent will open more doors for her and allow her a better life (Children Peace Price Winner Chaeli Mycroft).  Therefore she said that she will make the wheelchair her self with her 3 best friends. At the age of 9, in 7 weeks she raised just the right amount of money for her to have a motorized wheelchair so that she could be much more independent. Chaeli realizes that people like her have a disadvantage against because of it. She fights to see that all people with disabilities have the same rights and privileges as those who have no disability. After she realized that helping other people was is what she does, she made her own campaign called the “Chaeli Champaign”.

The project Chaeli Campaign is a professional organization that utilizes therapy to help more than 3000 children with disabilities annually in South Africa (Chaeli Mycroft 2011). It is a very generous thing that Chaeli likes to help people. “Where others see limitations, she sees possibilities.” Even though she is disabled and there are some things which would be hard for her to do she doesn’t feel that she has the limitations others feel she has. She sees everything as a challenge to overcome and relishes the chance to show that she can do it. To Chaeli everyone is different and we need to accept if they have a disability or not (Chaeli Mycroft 2011). To sum things up she is a very helpful and caring person to everyone. She knew that she could help all the other children that also have disability problems. Even though she knew that she was in a wheelchair and couldn’t do much she could still give a helping hand. She didn’t want to help them because she had to. She helped them because she knew that it was right and everybody deserves the same rights and privileges. She knew that these small changes can make a big difference in these people’s life.

Since Chaeli has been through this situation, she believes that all people with disabilities  have the rights to live independently and lead a normal life. Since Chaeli is also in the same situation as all these people she knows what it is like to live this way. She thinks that all the people with disabilities have the rights to be like everyone else. By helping these kids with all these problems, she has helped them a lot because also those people can be independent and not just Chaeli. This shows how Chaeli, was a child that wasn't so independent but once she got onto her wheelchair she did what was best for the world. She is still a normal child like everyone else but she is a child that helps everyone else and makes their lives better.